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who we are

Wiser Security Services is a registered security company and we serve our valued clients by rendering security services at their door step. The concept behind the formation of this security setup is to make security services available to the valued clients according to their requirements

About Us

Wiser Security Services is a registered security.

Wiser Security Services is a registered security company and we serve our valued clients by rendering security services at their door step. The concept behind the formation of this security setup is to make security services available to the valued clients according to their requirements. Each client would be satisfied by meeting varied standards and our goal is to come up to the mark of each. To achieve this bench mark we have set certain strict standards for ourselves so that we earn a name in the market based purely on performance. We have a quality assessment set up which monitors on case to case basis, so as to keep an intimate eye on performance. Such a process helps us deliver value added service to our esteemed clients and at the same time places us heads and shoulders above others in the same business in the market. Quality management is the hallmark of Wiser. We have successfully obtained ISO 90001 Certificate for our new born wiser security services (Pvt) Ltd.


We Provide Security Services That Matches Your Needs & Your Budget!

During the previous eight year in the back drop of experience, wide contact with the clients available in the market by the CEO and nucleus staff, company has successfully captured the following valued clients in hardly two months’ time.

contact us for a competitive price


Security Services

We have the following chapters in provision of services.
a. Security Consultation, Planning & Risk Assessment
b. Security Guards
c. Security Equipment Provision
d. Special Event & Conference Security
e. Institutional Protection
f. Advanced Access Control Systems
g. Escort Services
h. Bodyguards and Executive Protection
i. Field Security
exective security
event security
pro training

Are you Interested in Working with Us!

Join our team & start your career as a WeGuard Security Officer. It’s our mission to always recruit the Best Security Personals to join our team!

send us your cv

A Typical Risk Assessment Includes:

  1. Interview of Key Staff
  2. Site Visit and Assessment
  3. Site Photography and Mapping
  4. Inventory of Existing Security Systems
  5. Identify Foreseeable Weaknesses and Threats
  6. Physical Security Measures