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Wiser Security Company

Wiser Security Services is a registered security company and we serve our valued clients by rendering security services at their door step. The concept behind the formation of this security setup is to make security services available to the valued clients according to their requirements.

Wiser Security Company

Each client would be satisfied by meeting varied standards and our goal is to come up to the mark of each. To achieve this bench mark we have set certain strict standards for ourselves so that we earn a name in the market based purely on performance. We have a quality assessment set up which monitors on case to case basis, so as to keep an intimate eye on performance.


Such a process helps us deliver value added service to our esteemed clients and at the same time places us heads and shoulders above others in the same business in the market. Quality management is the hallmark of Wiser. We have successfully obtained ISO 90001 Certificate for our new born wiser security services (Pvt) Ltd.

Our Aim

To derive successful security solutions by competent professionals for all security challenges, which will cater for pit falls and liabilities foreseeing the results rather than confronting worst kind of failures.

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What We Offers

  • Field Security

    We have successfully under taken the responsibility of securing the complete sites of certain projects being under taken by different departments in extremely difficult and remote regions of the country. You will appreciate that this involves much more than merely provision of man power for watch and ward.

  • SpecialEvent & Conference Security

    In today’s world, security services are a vital component of social and business affairs for all high profile figures and families. Wiser Security Services (Pvt) Ltd is proud to provide security services specifically designed to supply effective, professional security for special events.

  • Bodyguards and Executive Protection

    Executives, public figures, celebrities and leaders in business, film, fashion and music request Wiser Security Services (Pvt) Ltd for provision of protective services. Our executive protection team consists of risk management professionals who are skilled in armed and unarmed security protection, including those with counter-terrorism training.

  • Escort Services

    We have specialized sharp shooters and snipers specially suited for escorting high profile dignitaries. The mounted squads comprising upon this force can accompany and secure/ protect all such distinguished people.

  • Institutional Protection

    All those institutions like Banks, Schools, Hospitals, and Financial Institutions etc with valued and costly material require special vigilance and protection. The security staff on such spots has to be extra vigilant and very well conversant with use of small arms and close quarter battle techniques.

  • Clients

    During the previous eight year in the back drop of experience, wide contact with the clients available in the market by the CEO and nucleus staff, company has successfully captured the following valued clients in hardly two months’ time.

Our Aim

To derive successful security solutions by competent professionals for all security challenges, which will cater for pit falls and liabilities foreseeing the results rather than confronting worst kind of failures.

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Security Guards

Selection Procedure & Training of Security Guards

Ask a Quote - Guard Agency Security Services

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If you would like to find more information about our company or services, please contact us!

Financial Aspects

The company was launched with a cash of PKR. 8 million in hand and today we own running finances and assets of PKR 12.5 million. It is a proud mention that we have not borrowed a single penny from anywhere but this growth is purely from the resources within. We regularly pay 6.5 % tax on all of our invoices, which comes roughly to PKR. 7.5 million Per annum.